Aerolaser Lab

Creating lighter flight

Mission statement: our purpose is to make the aviation sector greener through the adoption of advance optical fibre technology.

Dr Christopher Holmes, Royal Society Industry Fellow (GE Aviation) leads the research taking place within the Aerolaser Lab.

This includes developments of optical platforms, sensors and their integration specifically for the purpose of aircraft monitoring.  Combining strengths in Optoelectronics, Advanced Composites and Tribology our activity enhances the situational awareness of composite structures (e.g. glass fibre and carbon fibre), system health monitoring of transmission systems and condition monitoring of aviation fuels.

Industrial collaborators include Airbus, GE Aviation, GKN Aerospace, Parker Aerospace

Aerolaser Lab Team standing in-front of an autoclave, used  for composite material manufacture, at the University of Southampton

Follow us on Twitter @aerolaserlab

For Summer Internships and PhD opportunities within the Areolaser Lab, email – Industry Engagement Officer or t:007717450792