Senior Enterprise Fellow
e: ch10e09@soton.ac.uk
t: +44 23 8059 4532
Christopher is a Royal Society Industry Fellow with GE Aviation. He is a Senior Enterprise Fellow at the Optoelectronics Research Centre, University of Southampton and has published 40+ peer reviewed journal papers and 100+ conference papers in the areas of optical sensing and optical fabrication. He is currently Principal Investigator for EPSRC grant EP/V053213/1 (Roll-2-Roll Manufacture of multilayer planar photonics), which develops new flexible planar optics and is part of the Investigator Team for Clean Sky 2 EU project (I2BS), which uses optical fibre sensors to realise smart bearings for jet engines. He is on the Board of Directors for the Gas Analysis and Sensing Group Ltd (www.gasg.info); Sensors Theme Leader for the University of Southampton’s Strategic Research Group MENSUS (Monitoring of Engineered and Natural Systems Using Sensors); Associate Editor for IET Science, Measurement and Technology and Chair-elect for the Optical Society of America (OSA) Technical Group on Optical Fabrication and Testing.